from vanilla import FloatingWindow from mojo.glyphPreview import GlyphPreview from mojo.subscriber import Subscriber, WindowController, registerCurrentGlyphSubscriber from mojo.roboFont import CurrentGlyph class StencilPreview(Subscriber, WindowController): debug = True def build(self): self.w = FloatingWindow((400, 400), "Stencil Preview", minSize=(200, 200)) self.w.preview = GlyphPreview((0, 0, -0, -0)) def started(self): self.updateGlyph(CurrentGlyph()) def destroy(self): self.w.close() def glyphEditorDidSetGlyph(self, info): self.updateGlyph(CurrentGlyph()) def glyphEditorGlyphDidChange(self, info): glyph = info["glyph"] if glyph is None: return self.updateGlyph(glyph) def updateGlyph(self, glyph): # if there is no glyph, just set `None` in the preview if glyph is None: self.w.preview.setGlyph(None) return # get the foreground and background layers foreground = glyph.getLayer("foreground") background = glyph.getLayer("background") # get the result by subtracting background from foreground layer result = foreground % background # set the result in the preview view self.w.preview.setGlyph(result) if __name__ == '__main__': registerCurrentGlyphSubscriber(StencilPreview)