from vanilla import FloatingWindow, Slider from mojo.UI import Message class MoveGlyphWindow: '''Move the current glyph using sliders.''' def __init__(self, glyph): # if glyph is None, show a message if glyph is None: Message('no glyph selected', title='moveTool', informativeText='Please select one glyph first!') return # store the glyph and initial move values as object attributes self.glyph = glyph self.moveX = 0 self.moveY = 0 # create a floating window self.w = FloatingWindow((200, 74), "move %s" % # add a slider for moving in the x axis self.w.sliderX = Slider( (10, 10, -10, 22), value=0, maxValue=200, minValue=-200, callback=self.adjust) # add a slider for moving in the y axis self.w.sliderY = Slider( (10, 42, -10, 22), value=0, maxValue=200, minValue=-200, callback=self.adjust) # open the window def adjust(self, sender): # get the current x and y values from the sliders valueX = self.w.sliderX.get() valueY = self.w.sliderY.get() # calculate actual move distance x = self.moveX - valueX y = self.moveY - valueY # move the glyph self.glyph.moveBy((x, y)) # update saved values self.moveX = valueX self.moveY = valueY # print the current move distance print(self.moveX, self.moveY) OpenWindow(MoveGlyphWindow, CurrentGlyph())