from vanilla import FloatingWindow, Button from mojo.UI import Message from mojo.roboFont import OpenWindow class ToolDemo: def __init__(self): '''Initialize the dialog.''' self.w = FloatingWindow((123, 70), "myTool") x = y = padding = 10 buttonHeight = 20 self.w.printButton = Button( (x, y, -padding, buttonHeight), "print", callback=self.printGlyphsCallback) y += buttonHeight + padding self.w.paintButton = Button( (x, y, -padding, buttonHeight), "paint", callback=self.paintGlyphsCallback) def printGlyphsCallback(self, sender): '''Print the names of all selected glyphs.''' font = CurrentFont() if font is None: Message('no font open', title='myTool', informativeText='Please open a font first!') return if not len(font.selectedGlyphNames): Message('no glyphs selected', title='myTool', informativeText='Please select one or more glyphs first!') return for glyphName in font.selectedGlyphNames: print(glyphName) print() def paintGlyphsCallback(self, sender): '''Paint all selected glyphs.''' font = CurrentFont() if font is None: Message('no font open', title='myTool', informativeText='Please open a font first!') return if not len(font.selectedGlyphNames): Message('no glyphs selected', title='myTool', informativeText='Please select one or more glyphs first!') return for glyphName in font.selectedGlyphNames: with font[glyphName].undo('set mark color'): font[glyphName].markColor = 1, 0, 0, 0.35 if __name__ == '__main__': OpenWindow(ToolDemo)