Application Menu ↩
The main application menu shows items which apply to the app as a whole:

Each menu reveals a submenu with options (see below).
Several menu items have a corresponding keyboard shortcut.
Additional menu items can be added by extensions and custom tools.
In RoboFont 1.8.4+, the version number is appended to the application name – this makes it easer to differentiate the two versions of RoboFont when they are both open at the same time.

key | item | description |
About RoboFont | Open the About Window. | |
Preferences… | Open the Preferences Window. | |
⌥ | Preferences Editor… | Open the Preferences Editor. |
License… | Open the License Window. | |
Check for Updates… | Check if a more recent version of RoboFont is available. | |
Services ▸ |
Standard macOS menu to let users access functionality from one app in another. see Services |
Hide RoboFont | Hide RoboFont and all its windows, and activate the most recently used app. | |
Hide Other | Hide all other open apps and their windows. | |
Show All | Show all other open apps and their windows behind RoboFont’s windows. | |
Quit RoboFont | Quit the application. | |
⌥ | Quit and Keep Windows | Quit the application. The windows that were open will be restored the next time you open RoboFont. |

key | item | description |
New | Create a new font. | |
Open… | Open an existing document. Supported document types include fonts (.ufo , .otf , .ttf ), Python scripts (.py ), feature files (.fea ), etc. |
Open Recent | Open a recently edited document. The submenu shows a list of recently opened files. | |
Save | Save the current document. | |
Save As… | Save the current document under another name. | |
Save All | Save all open documents. | |
⌥ | Save All Fonts | Save all edited font documents. |
Close | Close the current document. | |
⌥ | Close All | Close all open documents. |
Revert to Saved | Revert the current font to its last saved version. | |
Generate Font | Generate a binary font for the current font. | |
Test Install | Generate and install a test version of the current font. See Using Test Install | |
⌥ | Test Install All | Generate and install a test version of all open fonts. |
Features ▸ | ||
New Feature | Create a stand-alone features document. | |
Export Feature | Export the font’s features to an external .fea file. |

key | item | description |
Undo | Undo the last action. | |
Redo | Redo the last action. | |
Cut | Cut the current selection to the clipboard. | |
Copy | Copy the current selection to the clipboard. | |
Copy As Component | Copy the selected glyph to the clipboard as a component. | |
Paste | Paste the clipboard contents into the current document. | |
⌥ | Paste Special | Paste the glyph object along with its width. |
⌃ | Paste in Layer | Paste the clipboard contents into a specific layer. |
Paste and Match Style | Paste the clipboard contents into the current document without formatting. | |
Delete | Delete the current selection. | |
Select All Contours | Select all contours in glyph. | |
⌥ | Select All | Select all objects (contours, anchors, components) in glyph. |
⌃ | Select All Components | Select all components in glyph. |
⇧ | Deselect | Deselect the current selection. |
Transform Again | Apply the last transformation again. |
The remaining menu items (Find, Spelling, Speech etc) are standard Edit menu items available in all macOS applications.

key | item | description |
Add Glyphs | Show the Add Glyphs sheet. | |
Font Info | Show the Font Info sheet. | |
Sort | Show the Sort Glyphs sheet. |

key | item | description |
⌘) | Next Glyph | Display the next glyph in the selected set. |
⌘( | Previous Glyph | Display the previous glyph in the selected set. |
⌘1 | Editing Tool | Selects the Editing Tool. |
⌘2 | Drawing Tool | Selects the Bezier Tool. |
⌘3 | Slice Tool | Selects the Slice Tool. |
⌘4 | Measurement Tool | Selects the Measurement Tool. |
⌘ T | Transform |
Set the current selection in Transform mode.
Lock Guides | Locks the Guidelines. | |
Lock Sidebearings | Locks the left and right margins. | |
Lock Images | Locks the Images. | |
Layers ▸ | ||
Layer Up | Jump to next Layer (up). | |
Layer Down | Jump to previous Layer (down). | |
New Layer | Create a new Layer. |

key | item | description |
Scripting Window | Open a Scripting Window. | |
Output Window | Open the Output Window. | |
⌃ | Show Log File | Show the Log File in Finder. |
Run | Execute script in the Scripting Window. | |
Indent | Indent selected code. | |
Dedent | Dedent selected code. | |
Comment | Comment selected code. | |
Uncomment | Uncomment selected code. | |
Word wrap | Wrap words (reflow text in window). | |
Jump to Line | Jump to a given line number. | |
⌥ | Jump to Definition | Jump to definition match. |
⇧ | Jump Back | Jump back to previous definition match. |
Extension Builder | Open the Extension Builder. |
The menu will show a list of tools installed by Extensions.
Not all extensions create an entry in the Extensions menu. For example, some extensions only add a tool to the Glyph Editor.
The menu will show a list of all .py
files in the default script folder.
The Scripts menu is available in RoboFont 3 only. In RoboFont 1, scripts are listed at the bottom of the Extensions menu.

key | item | description |
Inspector | Show/hide the Inspector panel. | |
Show Previous Tab | Show the previous tab in a tab-based window. | |
Show Next Tab | Show the next tab in a tab-based window. | |
Move Tab to New Window | Open the current tab in a new window. | |
Merge All Windows | Combine all open windows in a single tabbed window. | |
Space Center | Open the Space Center. | |
⌃ | New Space Center | Open an extra Space Center. |
View ▸ | ||
Toggle Smart Find | Show/hide the Search Glyphs panel. | |
Toggle Smart Sets | Show/hide the Smart Sets panel. | |
Toggle Font Overview | Show/hide the Font Overview window. available only in Single Window mode |
Toggle Path Browser | Show/hide the path browser in a Scripting Window. | |
Minimize | Minimize the active window to the Dock. | |
⌥ | Minimize All | Minimize all open windows to the Dock. |
Enter Full Screen |
Opens the window at full-screen size in a new space. see Full-Screen Mode |
Zoom In | Increase the zoom level. | |
Zoom Out | Decrease the zoom level. | |
Zoom To Fit | Zoom the current glyph to fit the Glyph View. available only in the Glyph Editor |
Bring All to Front | Bring all of the app’s open windows to the front, maintaining their onscreen location, size, and layering order. | |
⌥ | Arrange in Front | Bring all of the app’s open windows to the front, and tile them neatly. |