Setting fonts infos

To make sure that applications as the Adobe Suite or Microsoft Office perceive a group of fonts as part of the same family, it is necessary to set the info of each font in a specific way:

  • the Family Name should be equal across the fonts
  • differently from what the name of the style attributes might suggest, the Style Name does not have to match the value from the Style Map Style radio group. So choose the Style Name you prefer
  • you can leave the Style Map Family Name as a default value, RoboFont will fill that for you when generating the font by combining the Family Name + Style Name. This, however, will not work for style linked families. They need the same styleMapFamilyName value.
  • remember to set the usWeightClass from the OpenType OS/2 table

Here is a synthetical table with a very traditional setup:

familyName styleName styleMapStyle usWeight italicAngle
MyFont Regular Regular 400 -
MyFont Bold Bold 700 -
MyFont Italic Italic 400 7
MyFont Bold Italic Bold Italic 700 7

As mentioned above in the article, you might decide to choose a different approach for the Style Name, like using Roman instead of Regular or Cursive instead of Italic. Then, you just need to match the usWeight value of the Roman style with the Cursive style using the Style Map Style radio group

familyName styleName styleMapStyle usWeight italicAngle
MyFont Roman Regular 400 -
MyFont Bold Bold 700 -
MyFont Cursive Italic 400 7
MyFont Bold Cursive Bold Italic 700 7
Last edited on 01/09/2021